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  • 铂菲朗致美酒店
    秉承“专业 、专注 、专心”的工作理念
           轻奢华 新时尚,是致美精选酒店的设计理念,简约不简单,品质轻奢华 ,随处都体现着新时尚的设计和现代的美感,从接待厅、电梯间、餐厅 、客房里每一件精心搭配的陈列上,哪怕是一个茶杯和随意的生活小件 ,都充满灵动轻奢的感觉。

    致美精选酒店专注年轻,充满阳光,魅力四射,给Young boys and Young girls 带来更加自由的舒适体验。

           This is the design idea of Lianxini Choicest Hotel, concise but not simple, light-luxury quality. It embodies the design of a new fashion and a modern sense of aesthetics everywhere. On each elaborately-allocated display in the reception hall, lift well, dining hall and guestroom, even a tea cup or a random small daily object is full of lively and light-luxury feeling. Lianxini Choicest Hotel is dedicated to youth, full of sunshine and glamour, bringing young boys and young girls a freer comfortable experience. 


           位于明光路长和国际D座,铂菲朗酒店北侧 ,与铂菲朗酒店互通,共享健身康体中心设施 ,活力泳池。如果你喜欢更加细腻、奔放 、简约 、时尚的入住感受,致美精选酒店就在那里,等你来。

           It is located in Changhe International (D) on Mingguang Road, to the north of BOFFO L Hotel. It is interconnected with BOFFO L Hotel, sharing the facilities and vigorous swimming pools of the fitness and wellness center. If you prefer a more delicate, unrestrained, concise and fashionable occupancy feeling, Lianxini Choicest Hotel is exactly there, waiting for your arrival. 


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